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Read The Black Card System Novel By Danny_writes / Synopsis

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Cover The Black Card System Novel By Danny_writes

The Black Card System By Danny_writes - Hello everyone.. How are you, I hope you are well and healthy always... In this article Babasmedia.com will share a novel Read The Black Card System By Danny_writes PDF, this novel is quite popular and is sought after by novel readers, making this novel very interesting for you to read. .

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Detail Novel

Title: The Black Card System
Author: Danny_writes
Publisher: Meganovel

Synopsis Novel The Black Card System By Danny_writes

“I’m going to make all of them pay. I will take revenge on everyone who abandoned me and my mother. I will deal with everyone who threw my mother out on the streets and made our life miserable. All of them.”


[You have activated the black card system.]

Charles is the illegitimate son of an ultra rich family but he was kicked out with his mother at a young age. Now working as a delivery driver, his wife and her family despise and humiliate him for being poor. When his wife cheats on him, Charles swears to take revenge on everyone who betrayed him. And just then, he activated the black card system. With the help of the system, he will recognize his full potential and take his revenge on those who wronged him.


The novel is called The Black Card System and it is a romance story about Leo, a man who was betrayed by his ex-girlfriend and lost his reputation and fortune. He decides to start over by becoming a professional escort and using his charm and skills to seduce rich women. He meets Mia, a woman who is looking for love but has trust issues due to her past. She hires Leo as her escort for a week and they develop feelings for each other. However, Leo’s ex-girlfriend finds out about his new life and tries to ruin it by exposing his secrets and lies.

The novel has received mixed reviews from readers. Some praised the author’s writing style, plot twists, and character development. 

Others criticized the novel for being unrealistic, clichéd, and poorly edited. The novel explores themes such as love, betrayal, revenge, identity, trust, and forgiveness.


The main characters of the novel are:

Leo: The protagonist of the story. He is a handsome, smart, and charismatic man who has suffered a lot in his life. He wants to reclaim his happiness and dignity from those who wronged him.

Mia: The love interest of Leo. She is a beautiful, kind, and loyal woman who has been hurt by her ex-boyfriend. She wants to find true love but has trouble trusting others.

Alex: The ex-girlfriend of Leo. She is a cunning, manipulative, and greedy woman who betrayed Leo when he was rich and famous. She wants to get back at him by destroying his reputation and happiness.

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   Leo decides to confess everything to Mia after she finds out that he lied about his identity as an escort. He tells her that he was hired by Alex as an escort before he met her but he fell in love with her instead. He also tells her that he faked his death in an accident caused by Alex’s scheme to make him look like a criminal. He apologizes for lying to her but asks for her forgiveness. Mia forgives him but tells him that she needs time to heal from the shock.   

 After reading the synopsis, excerpts and details of the novel, are you interested in reading, you can read this novel via the Wattpad application and website which you can download on the Google Play Store or App Store by searching through the search column or via the link below.

    Thank you for reading Babasmedia.com in the article Read The Black Card System By Danny_writes hopefully it will be entertaining and useful for sure. Don't forget to write your opinion in the comments column below about this novel, is it fun to read? that's all admin can share, see you in other articles🙏

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