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The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel By EpicTales / Read and Synopsis

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The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel By EpicTales - Hello everyone.. How are you, I hope you are well and healthy always... In this article Babasmedia.com will share a novel Read The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel By EpicTales, this novel is quite popular and is sought after by novel readers, making this novel very interesting for you to read.

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Detail Novel

Title: The Billionaire's Contract Pet
Author: Laurie
Publisher: GoodNovel
Ratings: 9.4 (Very Good)
Genre: Billionaire
Language: English

Synopsis The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel By EpicTales

Emma Wells, a college girl who's about to graduate. She was abused and tortured by her stepmother Jane and stepsister Anna. The only hope in her life was her prince-like boyfriend Matthew David, who promised to make her the happiest woman around the world.

However, her world was completely crashed down when her stepmother took $50000 as the betrothal gift from an old man and agreed to marry her off. Even worse, she found her dear boyfriend cheated with her roommate Vivian Stone. Walking on the street under the pouring rain, she was desperate and hopeless.

Clenching her fists, she decided. If she was doomed to be sold out, then she'll be her own seller. Rushed into the street and stopping in front of a luxurious car, she just wondered how much her virginity would worth.


The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel follows Sophia, a struggling young woman who enters into a contract marriage with the wealthy and mysterious Alexander. As they navigate their newfound relationship, they soon discover that there is more to their union than meets the eye.


The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel by EpicTales is an emotionally charged tale that explores themes of love, trust, and sacrifice. Sophia's journey from a struggling young woman to a confident and self-assured wife is both heartwarming and heartbreaking. Alexander's transformation from a cold and distant husband to a loving and devoted partner is equally compelling.

Critical Reception: 

Readers have praised The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel for its engaging plot, well-developed characters, and emotional depth. Many readers have found themselves completely immersed in the story and unable to put the book down until they reach the satisfying conclusion.


Love and sacrifice are central themes in The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel by EpicTales. Through Sophia and Alexander's relationship, readers witness the power of love to transform lives and overcome obstacles.


The plot of The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel is intricately woven and offers plenty of unexpected twists and turns. Readers will be captivated by Sophia and Alexander's journey as they navigate their newfound relationship and work to build a life together.


The characters in The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel are well-developed and relatable. Sophia's struggles and triumphs resonate with readers, while Alexander's transformation from a cold and distant husband to a loving and devoted partner is both heartwarming and realistic.

Novel Quotes:

 "I never thought I'd find love in such an unexpected place." - Sophia

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    The Billionaire's Contract Pet Novel by EpicTales is an emotionally charged and captivating read that offers readers a unique take on the classic romance novel. With its engaging plot, well-developed characters, and emotional depth, this novel is sure to resonate with readers for years to come.

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